Quotation "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." by William James

Conquer Chaos: Overcome Disorganization and Self-Doubt

There are many ways we can be disorganized –and not finishing projects is one of the worst.

It can be especially hard for people with ADHD. Unfinished projects create a string of broken promises that damage relationships and cause self-doubt.

after photo shows a square scarf mounted above bed as a focal point

The Clothing Conundrum: A Bedroom Makeover

Mary, a lifelong clothes lover, faced a clutter crisis with her wardrobe, which led to her living out of laundry baskets and wearing the same few outfits. With professional organizing help, she decluttered, creating a system based on color-coordinated seasonal outfits that simplified choosing what to wear. This shift not only freed up space but also taught her the drawbacks of excessive choices. Through letting go of clothes that represented her past, Mary’s bedroom transformed into a functional, joyful space.

illustration of the Endowment Effect

Three Beliefs that Derail Your Decluttering

Decluttering gets derailed when we have items we know we should get rid of—but find ourselves having a hard time letting them go. That’s because some of our beliefs about our belongings get in our way. Learn what they are so your decluttering doesn’t get derailed by outdated beliefs.
